Basically for our second day in Paris, it was more walking. Yes. Walking and walking. We ultimately only took one metro trip to get back to the hotel -too tired to walk back.
Our plans were to check out Paris' shopping, pay our friend Mona Lisa a visit and take a trip to the Arc DeTriomph since they were all along the way. ( also Champs Elysees)
While walking, we passed a pastry shop and not resisting the temptation, James and Karen got a dessert pastry each. A VERY pretty macaroon and an equally ravishing Rivera (layered fruit pudding dessert)
Awake early in the morning to plan where to go; what to do. Macaroons! yummy! sitting on a grass patch after walking in a Parisian shopping plaza. ohhh the grass was soft and moist. Heavenly...and finally, the desserts! pretty right? look at the size of the macaroon!!
Any yup we did all that, expect for the part on paying Mona a visit. Her place was way too big. By the time we reached her front door we were drained and tired. Imagine doing that 4 times! (the museum has 4 levels) But we did take alot of photos to show our effort and sincerity of wanting to be there. (:
Arc DeTriomph was just.... Arc DeTriomph. Having climbed up the Eiffel tower, going up the Arc DeTriomph wasn't such a big thing anymore. Plus it was a package of having to queue, pay and climb up, get squashed and come down. So we decided to give it a miss. But of cos we still had to go there and take a picture. And yes we did. Standing in the middle of a road junction just in front of the Arc.
On the way to the Arc DeTriomph, we had to walk pass a very busy and crowded street named Champs Elysees. I'm sure many have heard of it. lots of shops, people but nevertheless i won't deny it's a very pretty street. Due to the European cultured buildings and pavement. There was also Louis Vuitton! The one everyone wants to go to get their bags. I'm not one of them though and ended up sitting in the cafe opposite the shop and attempted to order a 8 euro soft drink when Karen popped out of the LV shop and saved me. heng....
The Arc, the VERY expensive cafe across the LV boutique, our friendly hotel receptionist and yes, that middle of the junction i talked about. The arc in front, the road behind.
Through the looking glass.
Groceries Day ♥ 1:50 AM
Wao, today i spent close to 100SGD just shopping for food! Also i tried to cook baked salmon with mashpotatoes and buttered corn. Hahaha, and it wasn't bad. ((: ( i tried the mashpotato recipe that me and stef learnt when we were working in a restuarant. hehehe nice lor!) Oh yes, i forgot to mention, my dinners and lunches are done as a group of 5. Each taking turns to cook for the day. Yesterday, Fiona cooked Sliced fish bee hoon soup. Yes, the one with the milk and fried fish. only that ours wasn't exactly fried cos we didn't have any flour bought yet. tomorrow, yuan sheng is going to make mee hoon kueh. sounds good man.
p.s. kevin, i'm getting better at dota here. hahaha, my friends are playing it every night!
Through the looking glass.
Saturday, August 23, 2008♥
Olso - Paris Day 1 ♥ 11:39 AM
Okay, I'm finally going to start blogging about my trip.
First stop, Paris.
To catch the 6am flight to paris, the 4 of us, Karen, Fiona, James and I took the last public transport to the airport possible and spent the night there. Surprisingly, sleeping at the airport is quite a common thing to do as we found out looking around. (Their airport stops opeations at night unlike our Changi Airport.) They had these self check in machines for Norwegian air which we used 2 hours before our flight. baggage stickers had to be stick urself too!
Oslo Airport. bottom left: the self check-in machines
Norwegian Air, although a no frills budget air is not bad i must say. the seats were okay and it really feels like a regular airline. 2 hours later, we arrived at Paris-Orly!
Aeroview of Paris (Orly)
Flying from 1 EU country to another is like flying within the same country. No stamps on your passports, no custom checks. Its like taking a bus, a flying one.
We then had to take the airport bus to a train station and take a metro down to our first and last hotel stay through out the trip, which had a very cool spiral staircase despite it's size.
Bottom right: Gare du Lest train station. pretty huh?
First things first, we asked the very kind reception for a good and cheap place for lunch. It WAS good and FILLING. soon after, off we went to sight-see!
First stop was a small but extremely pretty cathdral, Saint Merri. Nicknamed little Notre Dame.
Honestly, i think i enjoyed it more than the famed Notre Dame. You actually get a sense of peace and tranquility here.
To our original destination, The Notre Dame.
We passed the Centre de Pompidou, full of life, buskers and colours, walked on a bridge which had a piece of artifical grass. And obviously Parisians are beach deprieved cos they called that small piece of grass as u can see on the bottom left, La Plage (The Beach). like huh? And they WERE wearing their bikinis and trucks laying right in the middle of the city! And so, we arrived at The Notre Dame.
One thing about Paris is the amount of tourists they have. And visitors to places such as the Notre Dame. Queues are everywhere and i thinkwe spent most of our time queuing up. to go into the cathedral to go up the cathedral. AND, FYI do NOT take FLASH photography INSIDE the cathedral. ARGH. it irritated the hell out of us. we would have no idea the notre dame was a religious place if we didn;t know it was a cathedral.
As a student, we get a special rate of 4.80euros to go up the Notre Dame. James and Karen weren't keen so Fiona and I went up while they sat at a stall to people-watch and wait for us. This is what they missed:
I am totally fasinated by how they got the humogous organ piano up.(2nd picture) It's HUGE. Fio and I climbed in total of 400 steps up, saw the famed Gargolyes, which i find cute. (This picture is so common you can actually google it. BUT i took it okay!) Visited Emanaul the bell. That's his front door and a picture with him, and finally climbed all the way up for the view of Paris. That small triangle is the Eiffel Tower.
Next stop, THAT small triangle.
Yes, i absolutely adore the Eiffel tower. especially when the sun goes down, which was not until almost 10pm.
Look at how long the queue was! we actually spent quite some time queuing for the tickets and our queue wasn't the one with the lift. We were going to CLIMB up the eiffel tower. Talk about vertical marathon! Luckily the tower was divided into 3 parts. level 1, 2 and 3. The highest can only be accesed by the lift. But hey, its still a damn long climb. Afterall i did just climb the Notre Dame earlier on.
As we reached the highest point of the tower, the sky darkened and the boring iron structure transformed.
I love the Eiffel Tower... AT NIGHT!
oh yes, i forgot to blog about the first meal we had outside. A HUGE meal which we had no idea what it would be until it came due to our inability to understand the meal and the waitress' refusal to tranlate anything for us. it was so filling it made we want to roll the rest of the day. at 15 euros for a lunch set, yes it was well worth it. For more details, u can check out Fiona's blog. She has all the food pictures she so obsessively took, whiping out her cam before we could dive into our course.
p.s. i cleaned my room today and.... i miss magic clean wipes!!!
Through the looking glass.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008♥
School ♥ 7:45 PM
Wao, my time table is amost non-xisitant. school's only for about 3 hours (1 class) and, it ends. one monday, we finished at 10.15am. tuesday too. But, Financial management is hard. Not sure if i should really take it as an elective, although the teacher is damn cool and hot AND not to mention,very nice too. ((:
It's been foggy these few days, cold wet and foggy. i almost cannot really see the mountain in front at times. the whoe world is a blur and i can still see soccer teams practising everyday even now, when ts raining and damn freaking cold! i swear it's damn cold when it rains. i'm sure the guys will love this place. i have the view of at least 3 full length soccer courts from my window and because we are next to the olympic village in Oslo, yeah, they do play quite damn well. and train hard too. (they still wear shorts to play when its raining) i dunno how they do that.
yes, i know i promised to put up the europe trip pictures and tell you guys about the travel stories, but i haven gotten all the pictures yet! By tomorro okay? i hope.
i'm finally back from the europe trip. i got back yesterday afternoon but only had time to blog today. We so didn;t want to come back at all.. the prices in europe are so much more reasonable. and we were greeted by a VERY expensive bus trip back to Olso where we still have to take the metro back to the hostel. 180 kornos for a 1 way trip. Karen and James cleverly thought that maybe taking a taxi will be cheap. bu guess what? the driver said, "it'll cost about 2800 kornos. you'll be better taking the bus (the 180kornos one)." WTH.. he can earn up to 800 SGD in A TRIP!! I'll slowly update my trip and put up pictures when i get them from the others. So make do with this i've finally taken out all my clothes and have settled into my room also.
As promised, my new view from my new room. SO MUCH BETTER!
Repacking everything. Tiring......
P.S. Chee, u blind bat.
Through the looking glass.
Monday, August 4, 2008♥
Oslo- Day 4&5 (2,3 Aug) ♥ 6:30 PM
okay, nothing much on day 4 but i moved to a new block on day 5 though. it's got a better view and at a cheaper rate too! yup and loads of ppl skyped and msned me. but so sorry i couldn't entertain u guys for long. i have to pack up as i'll be going on the my europe trip tonight. to camp at the airport and check in at 4am cos the public transports only start at 6am.
Anyway, i won't be able to blog until about 15 or 16 when i come back. by which school will already start. so i'll try and post up my new room and new view.. (hahhaa, no more brick wall) and yup i've already showed some of you it.
Yes ching, you have been missed too. i didn't get to go to your house and NUA before i had to come over.. girl u can leave a comment instead. i can't read tag msgs fast enough.
with love, bernice (sorry no pictures today. i'm charging the cam up for the trip) - ((:
We went shopping today! haha cos its summer here but i packed mostly winter clothes. so not enough NORMAL clothes to wear. hahha. but luckily their having their summer sales now cos fall is coming. so come things are relatiely cheap. i mean like normal price in sg. haha but theree were good deals too. limited stock of cos. James, karen, fiona and I just walked along sentralstation to sightsee. finally we saw the sea! oh, i also did went to H&M and i got 2 tops. i really needed clothes la...
Paperwork Paperwork Paperwork! so many paperworks to do today. police station, immigration, student ids. so many things we got to do. Still suffering from jetlag, so it was tiring and horrible. We even had to wake up at 6 to reach the police station at 8 in case the police close early too.
did abit of groceries shopping at their supermarket called 'kiwi' and do i need to say it again that it is godly expensive?!? hahah
oh yes but we did have a very fulfilling lunch at Oslo sentralstasjon. A kebab at 49; but SUper HUGE and yummy and not to mention filling!! YUM!
Along the way, we took photos and saw cute stuff. i shall save the talking and show you the photos instead.
cute car! 1 sitter and its super thin too. haha
And my school! Norway BI. i will so love coming to school. so pretty!!
Checked into the room, as u have seen in the previous post. but yes of cos i didn't unpack everything up nicely in a day. i actually took it today to show u guys my room. Day 1 was spent getting the room, which took quite long. they work quite slowly here and a close means its closed. they can even close early because they thing there are too many people coming in. they werer suppose to close at 6pm that day but did it at 4pm when the bunch of us walked in.
when to ikea to get stuff like the nice fluffy pillow and blanket. also bed linen and quilt covers. yes its all green. (stef's favourite) hahaha cos its CHEAP and not as ugly as some blue and red flowered ones. also got a mug and plate 7korons and a table lamp, pots and knives to share with a few friends of cos. i dun really have a picture for ikea cos we will all stony and tired. but just to show u the things we all got, i'll post this picture up. And this is only half if it. hahhaa bags have to be bought here and all plastic bags or NOT free. sad.
Oh yes. we also found out how to use the subway here. buying tickets and everything. a flexipass worth 8 -1 hour trips, cost 160kornos. Not cheap at all man.
Through the looking glass.
Singapore-London-Oslo ♥ 11:12 AM
It was a super long trip to oslo. Plus the plane in london got delayed for 2 hours due to some hydrolic problem.
During the flight to London this Holland guy was sitting nx to me. A surfer! hahaha. he had spent almost 5 weeks in indonesia. Bali and another small island-surfing. A very friendly person. he kept giving the cheeky smile. hahaha and the 3 of us, james, me and him will mostly discussing about the movies that were nice on that flight.
here's the london heathrow airport. its foggy outside. HSBC is everywhere!(in London)
Plane delay. took this from the window. thats our standby plane which we didn't use.
Aeroplane view of norway. the landscapeos totally different from singapore's. they have pokey pointed trees and huge bushes for trees too. looks alien. no rainforests and big canopies.
home for the next 5 months to come....
Through the looking glass.
Hello my dears!
Excuse me if i dont update regularly. Currently, my location is in Norway-Oslo
and i'm using this blog as a journal or travel log as u may call it.
I hope i will be able to keep it up day to day.
Current location: USA-Yellowstone, Lake Village
Enjoy the reads and cheerios!
Connection is slow and pictures cannot be uploaded go to facebook for them~
Bernice. 14 Sept.
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0864 Oslo
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Dear mummy,
my posts per page is set to 3.
if u wan to look a the pass logs, just go to
cheshire's trail and click on the month of your choice.
Places i have visited and completed blogging.
This skin was created by me, inspired by YVON!. Special thanks to miss led and tartx. the background was from here. fonts were from dafont and images hosted by photobucket.
all image edits were done in adobe photoshop cs3