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Friday, July 30, 2010♥
Beach day ♥ 4:19 AM

The stay here is basically chillaxing. We woke up at about 10pm and took our time with brunch and headed to the beach at 12.

The waters were freaking warm! Like suana warm.. Omg. And we had boogy boards from spence so we rode the waves! Then it was just lazying in the sun and sand. The sand is fine and white and soft! Reminds me of Thailand beaches.. And we played some frisbee before it started to rain..

Unfortunate but we still headed back and gave spencer's dog Gus a bath! Smelly dog. Took a nap, made a run to walmart for a rice cooker and made dinner. Hahaha. And again, tv and movie or probably hang out with his friends around the area..

Through the looking glass.

Thursday, July 29, 2010♥
Florida! ♥ 7:15 AM

Work at yellowstone is done and me and Lettie took a plane straight to Florida to visit Spencer.

We sent his parents off to the airport today sk the house is ours! Hahaha anyway, it's a home stay so no busy touristy plans yet.. Probably universal studios, Disney but plans will come in time..

We spent last night hanging out at his friends' apartment. Americian style.. Funny people but we were too tired after the flight.. We'll prob see them again in the next few days we're here..

Through the looking glass.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010♥
Mallard Lake Camping(6.8miles) - 11 July 2010 ♥ 9:33 AM

2nd Camping Trip for us! But the first with a REAL campfire ans SMORES!!

The location was near Old faithful. About a 3.4 mile hike in. Which didn't seem bad at all. Maybe it was all the hiking training we have had over the past couple months. hehe

As usual at this time of the year, it was swarmed with mosquitoes.. and OMG, the are some really pro mosquitoes. They don't need open skin.. they can poke through your clothes! i wore a pair of tights and sweatpants but they mosquitpes still got all over my legs! Some crazy shit.

Oksay, ignoring the mosquitoes, once we arrived at our campsite, at about 7-8pm, we set up the new 4 men tent our RC, Silke had very kindly lent us and took our all our food reserves. Then it was firewood collection time and all of us dispersed to look for big logs for the fire and thin branches for the marshmallows.

Although it wasn't getting dark yet, i suggested starting the fire anyway since it would be #1 easier when u can actually see what you are doing and #2 an attempt to smoke the mosquitoes away. We spent some time on the starting the fire and luckily Spencer had suggested bring lint from the dryers to burn as kindling. I rolled them into dung like shapes and stick them in. Soon the campfire was burning!

Campfire's burning, campfire's burning, draw nearer, draw nearer!

First things first, DINNER!! we were starving and had already each bought sandwiches when we were at the old faithful general store. Dinner was Maggi noodles for me, Lettie and Spencer and some Kathmandu Curry for Jilllian since she's vegetarian.

We tried some of her curry since it serves 2 and the 3 of us came to a conclusion that it was missing something... MEAT!

After dinner, i made some milk tea and we roasted out marshmallows for the smores! Plus some irish cream liquor and music, dancing around the campfire..

Okay, so when camping in bear country, we are suppose to hang our foodstuff at least 10 feet above the ground away from our sleeping are. So they have this high pole for us to hang out foodstuff for the night. The girls looked at the pole and our first comment was, Wao, that's high up. i dun think we can get a rock up and over to hang the bag. Upon hearing that, Spencer bursted out laughing.. he couldn't believe we had thought that and said that he could do it in 1 throw..

So with our egos to save, we all tried to throw the rock. But Damn! Failed... he was already rolling on the floor laughing by that time. It took all of us 3 tries each before Lettie finally got the rock and rope over..

Then, we talked for awhile more under the stars until the fire died down since we weren't suppose to leave the fire still burning in case it starts a forest fire..

Finally, snuggled up in our tent and sleeping bags, we played a few games of cards and a round of Monopoly Deal before heading off to bed at around 2am.

At about 5am, i woke up with a splitting headache and had to head out of the tent and even threw up. I was feeling so bad i couldn't even go back to sleep. So i lay against a tree stump by the lake facing the rising morning sun and tried to catch some rest instead.. Eventually my head stopped hurting and i found out that it was cause i was sleeping on an incline with my head downwards the entire night. hence the enormous headache. Ouch.. but all is good and we made ourselves breakfast of oat cereal or milo and nuts. A little chipmunk even relentlessly attempted to steal our food and made a cute little stance every time we looked at him.. haha! Doing the puss-in-boots from Shrek move..

I love camping out with my friends! And i want to bring a piece of sky back with me....

Through the looking glass.

Sunday, July 11, 2010♥
Firehole River & West Yellowstone IMAX - 10 July 2010 ♥ 9:07 AM

6 of us, Jillian, Lettie, Nina, Spencer, Jay and I decided to go somewhere in the afternoon since we were all on day offs! So Spencer asked around for some place fun to go and Silke, our RC suggested Firehole river. It is basically a river that i think due to thermal features around, had water that isn't icy cold and swim-able. Not something common in YNP i must assure you. We jumped in.

Hmmm.. not warm i would say but not icy either.. still cold enough for you to shiver after being in it for a while though. But the best part of the river was the stretch of rapids that we had to swim against till we hit this rock, stand on the rock and jump in.. letting the current and water push you down, in and all the way to the end of the swimming section of the river..
I love water so much!

After that, we went over to West Yellowstone, a town just outside YNP and caught a free IMAX show about Yellowstone National Park!

Well, it was a huge ass screen and the show was alright.. more history of YNP and the earlier explorers and how they showed the world the beauties of the place..

Oh yes, we went to the Candy Shop too! and i got a huge Caramel Apple! ((: But i like the one i got at Cooperhagen better... The Candied Apple instead..

Dinner/supper was an Elk Burger.. ok.. For those who have never tasted Elk, it's just a way tougher version of Lamb.. Lettie didn;t like it. Saying it has that smell - the mutton smell. I was ok with it since i like mutton anyway. But the meat patty wasn't that nice either.. like chewy and hard... not enough fat i think, seeing that the elks are all wild and fit, climbing up and down slopes here.

Through the looking glass.

Friday, July 9, 2010♥
Working - 9 July 2010 ♥ 9:42 PM

Finally finished my 5 shifts of work in a row! Breakfast, Dinner, Breakfast, Dinner, Breakfast. i feel like my life revolves around intervals of 3-4 hour naps. Of which i will wake up to go to work. My life is so exciting the past few days...
Thank god the weekend is here! was suppose to go camping at glacier national park this week end with Spencer, Jillian and her family but Jillian is sick so we didn't. We'll probably do a camping trip when she gets better. Hope she gets better soon!!

I'm so tired after work. But cause of the naps, i can't seem to fall asleep. Weird i know especially when i have not been having sleep problems since i am here. When my living pattern goes back to normal, i'm sure i will be able to sleep better. my pimples are starting to come back due to this weird sleeping lifestyle too! scary...

We ended up watching The Bourne Trilogy that evening.... Jason Bourne overload!

Through the looking glass.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010♥
Horrid day turned not so bad. Ribbon Lake Hike (4 miles) - 6 July 2010 ♥ 8:38 AM

Today was suppose to be White Water Rafting day. A trip that cost us $46 each. The paper given to us wrote 6.30am at the rec hall. And so we were there around 6.30 and saw the van drove away without us. With no phone contact what so ever, it was a mission impossible to get them to turn around.
We went back to the dining room and got Michaela to lend us her truck so we could try our luck at catching the van when it goes to Canyon Village to pick the rest up. On the way back to the dorms however, we met Alex and Christine who were heading for a hike at Canyon area and they offered to give us a ride. His car unfortunately started breaking down halfway and we got off and tried to hitchhike the rest of the way. 15min with no luck, it was impossible for us to catch the van and so we turned back and tried to hitch a ride back to lake. Which was also a fruitless effort. No car stopped to pick us up at all. it took us an hour and a half to get back to our dorms finally and it was only because we saw a family sight see-ing at a stop off and wanted to ask for our position and distance to lake. The taiwanese family then very kindly offered to give us a ride back to our dorms.

To be continued...

So we came back to our dorms finally and slept... all the way till 12. 30pm and went for lunch. While eating, we met Nina, a Taiwanese SA and she was also having a bad day. Problems with cultural shock and habits of the Americans we Asians might fine irresponsible. But hey, it's normal to them so we just have to adapt.
Later, we went to Michaela's room to tll her all about our morning and lettie out of the blue just asked if she could take her truck our and go to canyon since Nina has never been around the park yet. Michaela agreed!
Thus, we proceeded to the Canyon! On the way we also stopped over at Mud Volcano area. A place so near our lake hotel but lettie and i have yet to visit! haha.. And then it was a relaxing walk/hike at artist point. Kristen, who too joined us in our little outing saw a short hike of 3 miles to ribbon lake and suggested we do that. It was a pretty walk along the canyon area but Ribbon lake itself was unfortunately disappointing. Lilypad lake was a pretty cute little thing though and still worth the hike.
Dinner was at Canyon's Dining room and this time we ordered starters as full meals instead BBQ pork shanks and Chilli Fries! Delicious...

I also had my first taste of a SMORE! although it's not the authentic one since it was made in a microwave instead of being roasted over a fire. BUT, heavenly in any case. ((:

p.s. A Smore = a graham cracker sandwich with melted marshmallow and chocolate in the middle. Yummy!

Through the looking glass.

4th of July Parade and Flat Creek @ Jackson Hole ♥ 8:37 AM

Because pictures are so hard to drag around an already written blog post, they'll be up here. I'm sure u will know what is what when u have read the post. I'll put captions to help too.

We made it to the end of the river! Heroes!
Here's the start of it. when everyone is nice, fresh and un-scrapped.
4th of July parade!

Freebies! see our proud faces and badges?

4th of July is the best holiday in the United States!!! Everyone was high and happy today and the streets of Jackson's town square was filled with people waiting for the parade! For a small town, it was a fantastic parade and only pictures will every let you have glimpse of what it was. Basically, red, white and blues, horses and damsels on them, Car parades, Uncle Sams and ever boys on unicycles playing basketballs! Throughout the parade, sweets were also thrown out na dkids with plastic bags stood right in front to snatch for them.. hahhaha it was a cute sight.

They also threw necklaces with red white and blue beads as well as other random stuff like frisbees! haha all in the name of fun and Lettie, me and Spencer even got a jackson hole wyoming badge for a lady before the show started.. for free! hahha, cheapos we are... During the parade Yong Xiang, Theresa and Abel met up with us as arranged when the parade ended, we headed back to Jillian's place to get changed for the next stop. FLAT CREEK!

Flat creek was amazing! We rented tubes from a kayaking shop and because there wasn't enough for all of us me and lettie shared 1 tube while yongxiang and theresa shared another. Flat creek is not the laziest river either so there were bridges to duck from and rapid drops to watch out. because 2 of us shared a tube, it was harder to keep balance and out tube tipped over twice. But we were laughing non-stop, probably adding to our inability to maneuver better. Half-way, at the dollar tree store to be exact, Yong Xiang and theresa decided to stop as theresa got quite a deep cut by a rock. So they passed their tube over to lettie and we continued on to our car further down the river. It was so much fun and scary too! Scary because of the trunks and shrubs in the way which scrapped your arms and legs. I even almost banged the back of my head straight into a trunk if not for my fingers that were bruised from protecting my head. We even got split up at this sudden fork, with me as the only one on the other side. i was worried i would miss them since Jillian had just said we should get out about anytime NOW. hahha.. but the river merged back and we scrambled to find a spot to spot our tubes. Not a very easy task. Oh we also got plenty of free beer from the residents or people celebrating 4th of July in their back yard along the river! They would just throw a beer into the river for us.

We ended the day with a display of FIREWORKS! it was at least 30 min long i swear and the firing area was right in front of you so u are as close as u can get to the fireworks... it was AWESOME... Jillian brought a blanket out so we could lie down and look at the sky. There were even small bits of ashes raining down because we were so close. There were a ton of people there too and the atmosphere was amazing. cheers, screams, music and laughter... It sure is a 4th of July to be remembered!

Awesome day, Best Weekend ever!

Through the looking glass.

Kelly Cliffs and Chinese dinner! - 3 July 2010 ♥ 8:36 AM

OOoo... my ass hurts!
So today, Jillian and Faith brought all of us, plus Mike to Kelly Cliffs to jump off this huge cliff and into a freezing river below.

Yup, it sounds crazy and i didn;t think i would do it until i was standing there.. Letitia and I decided to do it together in case we get lost after jumping down and not know how to get back up the cliff.

It was 1...2...3.. jump! and without thinking, JUMPED! omg, the feeling of falling was frightening at first and the waters were FREEZING!!! i couldn't feel my ass and any scratches obtained.. it was just omg, BREATH! cos the water was so cold it was hard to even breath and SWIM for shore before u get swept away by the current.

I never thought i would be crazy enough to do it but i did.. It wasn't that bad after u've climbed up the cliff and i was even thinking of doing it again. But we spent so much time trying to Coax Gail down that i dried up in the sun and didn't feel like getting into freezing cold waters again,.

And as the title has suggested, me and Lettie cooked a home-made Singaporean dinner for all our friends. Rice with dishes and a soup. We made meat omelet, Onion and Carrot omelet (for the vegetarians) Chicken and potato with soy sauce, the typical dish we have and 2 stir fried veggie dishes, Broccoli with mushrooms and oyster sauce(Mushroom oyster sauce) & Beansprouts with black pepper sauce (an invention of lettie) with a pot of corn, carrot and potato soup.

Well, they liked it! hahaha, which i suppose means it was a success! Well everyone was sleeping after the the 8am soccer match, Jillian brought me and Lettie to the nearby Grocery to get out stuff. the meal for 8 cost us about 30 USD. Which i though wasn't too bad at all.

((: It was good to have some home cooked chinese food for a change too. so Everyone was happy today!

Through the looking glass.

Saturday, July 3, 2010♥
Grand Tetons hike to holly lake (13 miles) - 2 June 2010 ♥ 6:07 PM

Aching muscles, abrasions, wet socks and a half soaked pair of jeans..

2680ft climb all the way up!

But the view was breathtaking.. The mountains, valley, rivers and forest. Flowers were starting to bloom along the way too and we saw wyoming's state flower, the Indian paintbrush.

I'm so acident prone while hiking. Plenty of cuts on my hands. I also slipped while crossing the river and fell in. Held on to the log I slipped from to prevent myself from being swept by the river currents but I unfortunately lost my watch. Yes daddy, the longines is gone.

Blogging from my iPhone at Jillian's place now so when I get my netbook back in yellowstones, pictures will be up.

Through the looking glass.

Friday, July 2, 2010♥
Jillian & Faith's house in Jackson Hole! - 1 July 2010 ♥ 7:56 PM

Thursday till Sunday off! And it's the 4th of July on Sunday. We headed off with the sisters as they came back home to Jackson to visit home. There were 6 of us cramped into a car. But we made it safely with no broken bones nor sprains.

First stop we had was to have icecream. ((: it was a shop called moo's tht sells homemade icecream. Cos the weather was so warm, there was a long queue o people waking to get their scoops of icecream.

Later, we just sat at the town square park to finish up our icecreams. The park had 4 large arches made of elk alters collected from the elk reserve just outside Jackson hole.

We later got a call from their mum asking for help back home and so we all got back into the car and drove back to help with dinner - homemade bison burgers, grilled corn on a cob and baked beans.

I love the corn!!

Through the looking glass.


Hello my dears!
Excuse me if i dont update regularly.
Currently, my location is in Norway-Oslo
and i'm using this blog as a journal or travel log as u may call it.
I hope i will be able to keep it up day to day.
Current location: USA-Yellowstone, Lake Village
Enjoy the reads and cheerios!
Connection is slow and pictures cannot be uploaded go to facebook for them~



Bernice. 14 Sept.

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Dear mummy,
my posts per page is set to 3. if u wan to look a the pass logs, just go to cheshire's trail and click on the month of your choice.

Places i have visited and completed blogging.



•history •Fiona


This skin was created by me, inspired by YVON!. Special thanks to miss led and tartx. the background was from here. fonts were from dafont and images hosted by photobucket.
all image edits were done in adobe photoshop cs3

