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Sunday, August 15, 2010♥
New York sights and scenes ♥ 3:26 PM

2nd day in New York. With a plan we had made the night before on how to fully utilize the New York pass, we started our day with a 75min ferry ride along the Hudson river towards downtown manhattan ad back up again. The ride was interesting enough or the first part. With a tour guide providing information and background stories to the skyline of the cities of new jersey and manhattan. On the way back however I fell alseep and didn't catch much of the continued stories. But it was nice, and you got to cruise pass the statue of liberty too.

We proceeded on to our 2nd stop, Madame Tussands wax musume! It was a cool encounter with the stars and famous people of history too! But the stars don't always look like what they appear to be on TV and it was hard trying to recognise them. Most were fortunaely easy enough to spot and it was a ball of fun posing or photos with the figurines.

King Tut! The Egyptian boy king. The exhibition was in New York and of course with didn't miss it. It was amazing, all the artifacts recovered and the stories behind it. If only I knew more to fully appreciate the wonders of the ancient egyptian world. If more time were granted, I'd recommand getting the audio guide. Probably they have more information on each artifact. That is if u are really keen on knowing the history. If not, just looking around at the short write ups will be enough.

Every city has a skyscrapper you have to visit. In New york's case, it's 2. Rockefellar centre... A full hours wait to get to the top. Pretty view of central park and a day view of te city. Not bad but nor worth that long a wait.. The elevator was cool though. It had a glass top that showed how fast you where travelling up and downwards.

So you are in time square new york. How could anyone miss a broadway performance? With the endless choices of shows each night. Queues were long too to get discounted tickets for last minute shows that night. We gt ourselves tickets to the west side story. But because wicked was sold out till aug 11 and so were Billy Elliot and the Addams family. I just love musicals no matter how cheesy the story line gets. It's just the music, live orchasra, singers and he dances that draws me into it. Amazing.. I'll definately catch a musical again when I can. But when I have the budget. To get good seats and also a show like Wicked. (:

Through the looking glass.

Monday, August 9, 2010♥
New York New York! ♥ 6:05 AM

And so we are in New York with no clue on where we want to visit. Haha but we have about half the day to look around and decide.

So after half a day of looking around, we settled on the New York pass which is 120 dollars for 2 days. And 30 over free entries to various attractions all over New York. We even checked out the broadway show tickets and bought west side story tickets for the night,

And so it began put eventful 2 days in New York. Alot of walking, sightseeing and more walking...

The streets of New York are relatively easy to navigate. Orderly and in sequence. Ave 123 street 456 and so on.. No problems finding our way around the place and with our hostel just 2 streets from times square, nothing was too far either.

Only problem was, after leaving such a comfortable place in Florida, living in a hostel felt like so big a change. And from the sub urbs of Land O Lakes to the skyscrappers of New York, I felt out of place. Like a monkey in the city..

Through the looking glass.

Scott's house and tubing! ♥ 6:05 AM

Awesome day! But I now have random aching spots on my body. Not too many though. Guess hiking in yellowstone did make me fitter or something. Ha!

We went to the most amazing house today. If we thought Spencer's place was nice, omg scotts place is 5 times that. Replace the pool with a lake and a boat.. And they even have the cutest dogs chole and Murphy. Gus is cute too I most emphasis. He's a snorting snoring dog who's the king of his house. Haha

Ok back to the house. We went tubing on the lake! Awesome. It was just hang on the float for your life and don't fall off. While the driver of the boat aims to throw you off the float. For a warm up, me and Lettie got on for a few rounds and they was relatively easy on us.

Until Spencer joined in. Omg, with lesser space, handles and Spencer on the float, the level of difficultly skyrocketed! We were screaming hitting each other during he bumps, climbing on each other for more grip and everything. It was a mess on the float. Laughing, screaming and grabbing at the same time is not a easy thing to do. Soon one of us would be thrown in the water.

But it sure was a whole load of fun.

I love water!

Through the looking glass.

Baseball game in Tampa ♥ 6:05 AM

First baseball game! And now my loyalty has to lay with the Tampa bay Rays. Haha, but whatever, they are good and they beat the Yankees so I don't care, they rock my socks!

It was a surprising load of fun cheering and unlike soccer matches, the fans here are not seperated. No fights though. All friendly games people.

During the change of innings, random entertainments will be shown. Like a Dance off with the banana man and a sercurity person. It was lol! Hilarious! And in the middle of everything, a random pariotic American song was played and everyone stood up with their palm on their hearts and started singing at the top of their voices. yup, totally random!

If given the chance, I'll definately catch a game again. My only regret was not getting something from the fan shop! After visiting newyork and seeing so many Yankees clubs, sigh, I regretted not getting something from the Rays. Cos I just couldn't bring myself to get anything from the Yankees. The Rays bear was so cute!!!!!

Through the looking glass.

House party in America ♥ 6:05 AM

Beer pong! Flip cup. Power hour. Heard of them? Yup, that's an American house party for you. Aim o the night is to win the games, drink and get drunk.

So many people were at the place even Jean was going alittle bonkers trying to get order and just start a game of flip cup.

Haha, Americans talk to much. Most of the time was spent on arguements that went in circles..and when it involves drunk people, yup, the arguement almost never stops. Mostly it was funny nothing serious... Looking at the sober one reason with the drunk one.

In another house party I got to play beer pong but today was tutorial and spenc's friend was telling me the rules of the game and the dos and do nots...

Flip cup was also fun looking.. Drink flip the cup and pass on. The fastest team wins the round and the losing team votes the weakest link out. And it continues until the final person in the team drinks all the cups on the table on his team and flips them to try and beat the other team.

Power hour is the cutest. Aim is get drunk fast! Time minute intervals and take a shot of beer after each minute for an hour. And taadaaah! After 20 min you should be tipsy already.

Through the looking glass.

Thursday, August 5, 2010♥
Universal studios Florida ♥ 10:56 PM

I spent 180usd on theme park tickets today! Omg, how did that even happen? But we got the ticketS for 2 parks islands of adventure and universal studios in a day with the express pass.

The extra 50 bucks does wonders! We flew pass all the people in the line and felt like kings walking straight into the attraction.

It was so much fun! We had to put on out Jillian hiking speed shoes and immediately sped into the first roller coaster. A green hulk themed coaster. The second on was the attraction next to that, dr doom tower drop! Haha what a way to start the day and wake us all up.

Unbelievealby we managed both parks in a day! Everything worth riding was tried. We even had time to gk back and line up for the new Harry potter attraction which was not open to our express pass. An hour of lining up and our own little game to entertain ourselves.

The only unfortunate thing was he other new attraction, rock it, this awesome looking coaster was having technical problems and we could not ride it. Omg it had a straight drop in an upside down U.

At about 7.30pm we were all dead beat tired and started to head back. Still cars were flooding into the park for the night life there. But too tired to stay and having a party to catch at 11pm, I fought te urge to want to stay and headed back home.

Felt so bad Spenc still had to drive all the hour and a half way back. I bet he was tired to. Not to mention been driving so much for the past few days, sick of driving. Thanks boy! ((:

Through the looking glass.


Hello my dears!
Excuse me if i dont update regularly.
Currently, my location is in Norway-Oslo
and i'm using this blog as a journal or travel log as u may call it.
I hope i will be able to keep it up day to day.
Current location: USA-Yellowstone, Lake Village
Enjoy the reads and cheerios!
Connection is slow and pictures cannot be uploaded go to facebook for them~



Bernice. 14 Sept.

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0864 Oslo

UPS/FEDEX Deliveries:
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Dear mummy,
my posts per page is set to 3. if u wan to look a the pass logs, just go to cheshire's trail and click on the month of your choice.

Places i have visited and completed blogging.



•history •Fiona


This skin was created by me, inspired by YVON!. Special thanks to miss led and tartx. the background was from here. fonts were from dafont and images hosted by photobucket.
all image edits were done in adobe photoshop cs3

